An Epic Journey Awaits

An Epic Journey Awaits You

Command Good and Evil in the
Newest Tower Defense Game!

Group 5

Command Good & Evil in the Upcoming Tower Defense Game!


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  • 00Mins
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Character Showcase

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The Journey Has Begun

Discover the past of your avatar. What kind of broken world did they come from and where will they journey to next? Start playing Dominion A Fallen World and pursue the destruction, or leave it behind and rekindle what is left.

Fallen City
Barren Desert
Forgotten Jungle
Ghostly Forest
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Be Part of Dominion

Have an idea for Dominion? We want to hear it! Follow our social media and stay tuned for updates on how to submit!

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Introducing Our All-New Comic Series!

Discover the captivating story that inspired Dominion: A Fallen World. 

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